Social Media Manager: Hire a Professional to Do it Right!

A person holding a smartphone with social media icons flying out of it

The era of social media is not ending any time soon. Businesses and professionals rely on their social media presence to build up their brands. And the right branding is everything. It is the foundation for effective marketing, advertising, or promoting products and services.

However, not all social media efforts result in positive brand and business results. Not everyone can use social media and increase engagement that drives the business forward. It takes an expert called a social manager to perform social media jobs that will help your brand get to where it needs to be. Keep reading to learn all about this social media expert position.

Types of Social Media Jobs

The first question you might ask is what a social media manager can do for you. The answer is it depends on your social media needs. Below are the main types of social media jobs that you can outsource to a social media expert:

  • Copywriting

The copy or content used for social media requires a specific format and voice that differs from other types of copy. Even the best writers find it difficult to create effective copies that result in social media engagement.

Social media copywriting also involves adapting the format to suit a particular social media platform. For example, Instagram captions need to have a casual and relatable voice while LinkedIn posts need a professional and expert voice.

  • Creating Multimedia

Building a strong social media presence requires having effective multimedia skills. It has been shown that social media posts lead to more clicks when they come with attention-grabbing images, click-worthy videos, and info-laden links.

Multimedia skills involve creating videos, images, graphics, and other visual assets. Other tasks related to this job are curating said assets and planning social media blasts or campaigns for brand promotion.

  • Interacting with People

A business or professional is on social media to connect to their target audience, that is, their potential customers or clients. Thus, answering their questions and replying to their comments is a critical task. Whether in response to positive or negative comments, audience interaction is necessary to show professionalism and excellent customer service.

Interacting with a social media audience requires strong communication skills, tact, empathy, and patience. The responses must always be in line with the brand and its products or services.

  • Writing with SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Writing with SEO knowledge means content creation using keywords that rank high on search engines. Content with high-ranking keywords attracts a larger audience and increases the visibility of a brand.

SEO writing involves the use of SEO analytical tools to research keywords and select topics. These tools also allow for improving websites and platform pages through content analysis and audits.

  • Analyzing Metrics

Social media marketing, advertising, and promotions must be data-driven to produce results. Otherwise, you are merely throwing your darts blind and hoping something sticks. You must gather insights from social media metrics to make better decisions and get targeted results.

Online tools and analytical software are available for gathering information on metrics such as overall reach and leads generated, content positioning, etc. Social media strategies must use these metrics but with a healthy dose of experience-based intuition and risk-taking.

  • Looking for Opportunities

Social media thrives on trends. For a business to benefit from these trends, they must stay ahead of them. Therefore, it is essential to always be on the lookout for opportunities to initiate a trend or create a shift in the industry or community you are in.

Opportunities can be found by keeping up with industry news, expert reports, global events, and other sources of information. Recognizing opportunities requires experience. Creativity is also needed for the information to be worked into effective social media content.

  • Planning Content

Content is most effective if posted at the ideal time or when most of the target audience is on a specific platform. Content details must also be tracked and monitored to ensure that there are no duplicates or contradicting posts.

Planning and scheduling content can save time and ensure that there is always an available supply of social media posts. Missing a day or two can mean reduced engagement and lower visibility for a brand.

Why Hire a Social Media Manager?

You might be unsure whether hiring a social media manager is a sound investment. Don’t worry, you are not alone. Most individuals or companies see being on social media as simply posting and replying to messages. They can’t see why you need to pay an expert to do tasks like that. Social media jobs, however, require creative and strategic skills to have real results in boosting a business.

You need to hire a social media manager if: 

  1. You lack experience and knowledge. Social media is a complex platform for marketing and promoting your brand. Creating a brand voice, adapting to different social media platforms, analyzing trends, and other social media jobs require experience and knowledge to do these tasks right. Otherwise, tackling these tasks on your own may do more harm to your brand than good.
  2. You lack the time. Running a business with an active social media presence is a time-demanding task. Creating, curating, and posting content takes time. Add to that the time you need to make videos or photos and edit them. On top of that, you still need to allot the time to review and monitor your posts and react to your audience’s responses. These tasks can keep you from running other areas of your business.
  3. You need help with your social media strategy. If your social media presence is not giving you the results that you were hoping for, then an experienced social media manager can help deal with it. They can audit and analyze your current social media strategies and provide insights into what you are doing wrong. From that, you can work with the social media manager to establish a social media strategy that delivers results and efficiently boosts your business.
  4. You want to stay relevant. The daily demands of running a business can prevent you from keeping up to date with the latest news, trends, and valuable information within your industry. With someone keeping daily tabs on social media for your business, you can collect the information you need to keep your business relevant. Thus, a social media manager can help you stay in touch with the ever-changing business environment.

Reminders for Hiring a Social Media Manager

Hiring a social media manager is easy. You can type in the position on any remote working site, and you’ll have hundreds of potential candidates in a fraction of a second. But to be successful in hiring an effective social media manager, you must consider the fact that not all social media jobs are the same. And not all social media managers are the same, either.

We recommend you start by understanding what direction you want your social media presence to take. Then, you can look for someone with a background and experience related to your social media goals and direction.

For example, do you want your social media presence to go for visual platforms like Instagram or YouTube? If so, you should be looking for a social media professional with knowledge and experience in multimedia creation. Are you a professional looking to improve your LinkedIn profile? Then you need a social media manager with a research background and relevant content writing skills.

Social Media Solutions with Remote Raven

If you are still on the fence about whether to hire a social media manager or not. Then hiring a freelance and remote-based social media manager is for you. Hiring freelance lets you experience the benefits of expert social media support without the long-term commitment. That way, you only pay for the work they put in and can choose to replace them if necessary.

Let Remote Raven help you hire freelance virtual workers with a wide range of social media management skills and experience. We start by understanding the support you need and vetting the potential individuals from our large pool of talents. You can then meet and interview these individuals to find the right fit for your needs.

Freelance social media managers from Remote Raven are equipped with the knowledge, experience, and training to accomplish their roles. They are the professionals you need to do your social media jobs right.

Your social media solutions are at the tip of your fingertips. Hire with Remote Raven today!